For·ti·tude: The ability to withstand and overcome adversity.
Be·hav·ior: The way in which one acts in response to a situation.
Develop the mentality that NO matter what happens there is NO other choice other than moving forward.
SEE THROUGH the HIGHS and LOWS of life, FOCUSING on the light at the end of the tunnel.
Remain even keel so that YOU can meticulously EXECUTE whatever it takes to reach YOUR goals.
Take OWNERSHIP of YOUR LIFE, putting the EGO ASIDE and being a SUBJECT TO HUMILITY. That way growth takes place. STOP pointing fingers at others instead always look for ways YOU COULD HAVE DONE BETTER!
Treat EVERYDAY as a new opportunity to become a better version of YOURSELF than YOU were the day before.
Have the MENTAL FORTITUDE to withstand and overcome whatever life throws
at YOU.
Have the CONFIDENCE in YOURSELF that no matter what happens YOU are going to come out on top.